
I’m so glad you’ve taken your precious time to join me for Part 3, but most of all that you’re taking time for yourself!

So, let’s recap:

Everyone knows what it feels like to declutter an area or even small drawer in your home, but more importantly, let’s think about how it makes us feel when our soul becomes cluttered?  Basically, anything we do to disempower ourselves clutters our soul, such as focusing on outward shoulds and have-to’s.  In a word it’s all stress, which we all know is damaging, but how damaging? 

Yes, it’s damaging to our soul.

Read Part 1 here

We talked about white space and the difference between a cluttered written page as opposed to one with few words or pics standing out on a lot of white space.  So, what is cluttering your soul’s white space?

Do you remember from last week the most powerful way to declutter our soul? 

Yes, stillness.  Even if only a couple minutes a day, it’s critical. 

Stillness is to our soul what decluttering is to our home.  Did you retain the picture I painted for you of how stillness serves as a colander, allowing feelings and thoughts to fall gently through?

Read Part 2 here 

I promised we would talk about the other huge factor in decluttering your soul – self-care.

So, let me ask you; can you think of one thing right now that if you did for yourself today would make you smile?  It can be the smallest thing.

When was the last time you:

  • Sank into a hot bubble bath
  • Took a few moments to enjoy reading a book
  • Treated yourself to a mani-pedi
  • Said “no” to something you didn’t want to do.
  • Spent an hour completely alone
  • Enjoyed a hobby
  • Put a chore on the back burner and enjoyed a little time with a friend
  • Danced to music you love – just a few moments.
  • Let yourself cry

What do you love?  That’s the question.  There are a million things that could spark joy in so many different ways.  I know people who love gardening, and if that’s you, it’s great self-care – me, not so much – and your yard will love you.  A garden makes me smile, the gardening, not so much.

It doesn’t matter, as long as you say yes to what sparks your joy.  You see, every time you do, you are blocking the clutter entering which I call energy drainers. 

It happens when we let everyone else’s agenda live for free in our sacred space.  The space meant for our own ideas, dreams, vision, answers to questions and guidance.  Anything or anyone that crowds that white space is an energy drainer.

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.

We are so willing to settle for less.  Isn’t it remarkable the lengths our mind will go to bury our truest desires, the life you desperately want?

Once again, that persistent excuse – I don’t have time.

Sorry, I’m calling BS!

We’re not talking about shucking responsibilities, blowing hours and money shopping/indulging.  However, can you get up ten minutes early to be silent?  Can you carve out 20 minutes of TV time?  What about screen/phone time?  Do your phone settings track your screen time?  The average person spends about 2 hours a day looking at their phone.  Are you really gonna miss anything if you turn your phone off for a few minutes to do something you really enjoy?

Will you take the challenge? 

Just breathe. 

Take a few moments to be silent. 

Choose one thing you love, that brings you joy and do that. 

You’re making your soul the priority.  Is it well with your soul?

Please let me hear from you; any little thing you did to declutter.

Breathing, in wide spaces,


Please be watching for my upcoming happenings, one of which is an amazing retreat!!  Heads up!!

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