

I tell women this every day!

I do!  It’s not that I’m a mama bird encouraging her baby to fly, it’s because in the same way so many women have not learned to use the “wings” that are our birthright.

In the same way a bird’s existence is dependent on their birthright of wings to fly, our lives were intended to live and are dependent on the individual “wings” that were gifted to us to soar with freedom, uniqueness, living everything our souls were gifted to this world to be.

So, when you think of the metaphor of flying with freedom in your life, what would that look like?  What does that feel like?

The truth is, since we entered this world, our wings were clipped little by little.  Why is it we feel such wonder as we watch children play, discover and express themselves? Why does a newborn baby fill us with such awe and wonder?

It’s because of the all encompassing sense of innocence and possibility that overcomes our soul.  A brand new miracle of life that is completely free to move and express from the purity of their soul.

Sadly, we begin to impose our molded minds and behaviors in the name of “teaching” them about life.  No question we are responsible to teach them, pass down life wisdom, but that seems to turn into “should” and “supposed to’s” that, without really knowing it, end up clipping the wings that were uniquely and divinely their own.

Women, on a much larger scale, beginsto conform to these “ways of life” until she perceives her life like that of a caged bird with no freedom to use her God-given wings.

The one thing I ask each of my clients is, “if you were free to do anything in life you want, what would it be?”  Then, I ask, “Have you ever felt like you’re supposed to be doing something but you just don’t know exactly what it is, or have encountered nothing but negative from people and life?

Maybe you’ve even put your gifts and desires out there but were rejected on every front.

We begin accepting and adjusting to the cage built around our world and consent to stop even thinking about the wings that could put our soul to flight.

This is my why!!!

When I realized that I had been programmed to believe I shouldn’t “get my feathers ruffled” – in other words, keep quiet, just go along to get along, it would be selfish to use the wings you’ve been divinely gifted with – it became clear that everything I’d dreamed of in life was no where near the life I was living.

I saw that carrying the weight of our conditioned belief system is like trying to fly with lead balloons.

Why would we ever submit to our birthright being captured and live small in a cage?  We go through every day like a zoo animal pacing backing and forth, never thinking outside that cage to the vast sky open to every possibility and dream, allowing everything we are to FLY BABY FLY!

I want to see you fly out of whatever cage life has built for you and see where your wings take you.


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