Hello, Beautiful Soul,
I know you’ve had many times when you’ve stopped…
Stopped breathing deeply,
Stopped singing,
Stopped dancing –
And simply stopped being yourself.
I know, right? It happened to me, and I know exactly how.
It happens when you feel less than, unheard, judged, disrespected, controlled.
You feel like so many things haven’t gone the way you wanted, and you find yourself nowhere near where you thought you would be.
I know exactly how this happened to me, and eventually saw how it was happening to almost every other woman I know.
Please realize, you are NOT the only one! Because, sadly, most all of us acquiesce to whatever suits others or the situation – to the point our own body surrenders its own breath and soul energy, both deeply needed for the health of both body and soul.
We only speak if it’s agreeable.
We only sing if it’s not out of place or sounds pleasing.
We only dance if others are dancing and we look fabulous – which we never think we do.
What if you danced alone? Even when we’re alone, we cringe at the thought of what others would think if they saw us. Isn’t that crazy? There are few things like dancing to lift your mood and energize you.
What about birds? They sing their own unique song, with no thought of whether you’re listening, simply for the joy of being alive, and well, using their voice. Novel thought, right?
I hope you will give yourselves the huge gift of thinking unrestrained about all the ways you could reclaim who you really are. Your true voice. Your true joy.
I hope you sing as loud as you wish.
I hope you dance wildly when you hear a great song, just for the joy of it, even if it’s just a little jiving in the car. Hey, it’s exercise! Does it get any better than burning calories with joy?
You are not bringing love and enjoyment to others by hiding who you are, living half alive.
You were meant to fully enjoy everything life has to offer, which is your light. And that light is transferred to everything and everyone around you.
When we “stop…,” basically doing the things we love because we hold back making ourselves small, the world, your life, stops.
Stop it! And…
Dance to life’s energy;
Speak and sing with beauty;
You are beautifully alive!!
Can’t stop this!