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Written by Ruthie Lewis

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Fireflies addresses very real, but rarely addressed, difficult issues of the heart we all face in our lives. Fiction – a story – can sometimes be the most powerful way to impact a person’s, often neglected heart, their inner life. Exactly why Jesus spoke most often in parables, knowing very well that a story can cut through all the pre-conceived, wrong thinking and religiosity.

Publisher: Tate Publishing (September 11, 2012)
Perfect Paperback: 376 pages
Dimensions: 6 x 0.78 x 9 inches

Reviews from readers:
When I read Fireflies, I was so connected that I could not put the book down! Ruthie Lewis has a way of pulling you into the lives of the characters, that you feel like you know them. You just can’t wait to see what happens next!Not only did I relate to these women in her book but I felt a tremendous amount of compassion for them and understood how “circumstances” in life are literally thrown at you sometimes! I am sure anyone who reads the book will feel great respect for the steps these two friends took to find freedom and happiness and pursue God’s true will for their lives. This book is a great read, easy to digest and full of truth. Everyone needs a friendship like these two characters have. I am so encouraged and found great hope while reading Ruthie’s book for people in life that are trapped by false beliefs and fear….. I really hope there is a sequel!

“Light” really does dispel darkness…
– Pamela Jackson

A wonderful and hopeful story of how two women support each other and find the courage to leave abusive marriages. It also highlights and deals with the distortions that some women are taught in their Christian faith regarding the roles of women as wives and mothers. A very fast paced and engaging book to read!
– Karla Emmerich

Ruthie Lewis creates characters in her book, Fireflies, that come alive to the reader due to her excellant writing skills. Not only is this book a great read, it also brings to light issues that women sometimes face in their marriages. It demonstrates how they rely on their faith to get them through the hard times and the good times. I look forward to sequel!
– Nancy Parrish

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