Ruthie Lewis

Ruthie Lewis

Soul-Wellness and Mindset Coach & Author

“The secret to life is the awakening and freeing of what has been asleep.”

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I’m so glad you’ve made the choice to cross over with me! My favorite word is an Italian word – Attraversiamo. It means “let’s cross over.” (Yes, I stole it from the movie Eat, Pray, Love).

The photo of this bridge was taken at a pivotal time on a trip to Sea Ranch, CA. If you linger a bit and choose to walk this bridge with me, I warn you that your life will never be the same, as my heart touches yours and you learn more about my passion to LET YOUR GLOW SHOW! My heart is to connect with yours and build a soulful relationship as I envision walking hand in hand with you on this journey. A journey to live your inner light, all your passions, instead of denying or ignoring them in a paralyzing search for the permission slip to be YOU.

The GREAT NEWS is that you will no longer be stuck, living in the mire of
have-to / supposed-to.

You will, maybe for the first time, know YOU – all of you!

My purpose and message is simple:

You have an inner light – a purpose – and you are enough!


The second step is to check out my books.  Fireflies is my first novel and Declutter Your Soul is my free eBook that capsulizes my passion and will guide you through soul nurturing, new perspectives on the truth about the path to LET YOUR GLOW SHOW!  I am also a contributor to Goodness Abounds which is a wealth of stories of inspiration and encouragement. 

Attraversiamo! LET’S CROSS OVER!


Text to entice readers to explore the blog posts.
Are You Ready to Stop Feeling Like Sh**?

Are You Ready to Stop Feeling Like Sh**?

I know there are times when you’ve stopped being yourself;

Stopped dancing;

Stopped singing;

Stopped speaking with your voice;

Times you feel walked on, disrespected, worthless.

You just want to be heard!

You are NOT the only one who has felt that way, in fact you’re in the vast majority!

We just don’t believe we have permission to be our beautiful, unique self.

I can’t help but see the truth that we’ve got it all wrong.

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I tell women this every day!

I do!  Not because I’m a mama bird encouraging her baby to fly, but because in the same way so many women have not learned to use the “wings” that are our birthright.

In the same way a bird’s existence is dependent on their birthright of wings to fly, our lives were intended to live and are dependent on the individual “wings” that were gifted to us to soar with freedom, living everything our souls were gifted to this world to be.

So, when you think of the metaphor of flying with freedom in your life, what does that feel like?  What does it look like?

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Whether you know it or not, we all shrink back to fit, to comply.

When was the last time you were still and asked yourself, How do I really feel? What is causing me pain that sometimes feels like terror?

When was the last time you spoke up, used your voice and shared your opinion or feelings and pain that are very real, without second-guessing whether it’s worthy to share, or shrinking back for fear of what they will think?

The real reason I guide women to Let Your Glow Show is because I learned the hard way, and humanity loses some of its pain when we share with others the real life we experience, the pain and real suffering.

What if we realized how harmful to our health and well-being, and how deadly to our original and real self and ultimately to the world hiding our light really is?

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It’s a very obvious question, but rarely answered, right?  Change is inevitable.  It’s as sure as night turning to morning.  So why is it so dang scary?  Why do we so deeply wish everything to stay the same?

We see for ourselves change in every direction, every single day.  Something along the road has been removed or something built that changed what we see every time we drive by it.  You found out that the particular coffee you get every day is no longer available.  Your kid’s shoes no longer fit.

I’ve been seeing parents post pictures of their kids from last Christmas, just one year ago and comment how they’ve grown and changed.  Without change, life could be nothing but stagnate.  We can blame a lot of not wanting change on nostalgia, however, we don’t grow into competent adults, or a senior with gained wisdom and life experience without constant change.

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Unfulfilled Potential

There’s an old saying that a graveyard is the richest place on earth. That’s because it is where you will find the treasure of the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, books that were never written, songs never sung, inventions never shared, cures never discovered. So many talents never realized and utilized, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, confront the obstacles and frustrations, or be brave enough to trust their own intuition to proclaim and carry out their dream.

Never Too Late

It’s a universal truth that it’s never too late to be what you might have been. It doesn’t matter how old you are, where you’re from, or what you’ve done in the past, every day presents a brand new opportunity for just you, one-of-a-kind, special, you, to become the person living the life you’ve always wanted. Time has passed but nothing inherent in your soul has, it’s never ending. The past is the past, and while it for sure has shaped each of us, it doesn’t define you or mandate your story. What defines you is what you choose to be and the steps you take forward from this moment on.

Unlocking Your Potential

The key, the light bulb moment for unlocking your potential is the

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Listening is a skill.  But that doesn’t mean ears are the only way to hear.  Your ears don’t hone a skill, their connection to the brain fires up the nerves in the ear that enable it to do what it was created for, it’s purpose, to perceive sounds.

The skill of listening is a very vital key to communication and relationships, but what if even that skill is not performing to it’s full potential because there are kinks in the connection that are broken?

What about the ears of your soul?

Did you ever wonder why animals have such a keen sense of hearing?  There are many reasons, but could it be because animals are more tuned in and connected to their entire being, that they don’t seem to compartmentalize their mind from their body or from their spiritual senses?    

Regardless, it’s been proven in so many ways that well-being, our fulfillment, or quality if you will, of life is directly related to the connection between our mind, body and soul.

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Missing Pieces

Missing Pieces

The words that I now know best describe those things in life that have ripped pieces right out of our heart.

I feel the mangled remains of those missing pieces ripped from my soul every day, but with October’s changing temperatures and beautiful colors, as well as less light, my heart begins to feel it’s missing pieces, like the trees must miss their leaves.  My heart feels less warmth of the sunlight and digs a little deeper for comfort and like the trees, go into rest and survival mode, which is needed for healthy rejuvenation.

Every October falls into the memories of losing my beautiful daughter, Tina on October 9, in a car accident, only to be followed by her 21st birthday on October 19.  This year was her 33rd earthly birthday.  So, my October is the anniversary of the worst nightmare a mother could have, only to feel the empty arms of celebrating the day of the most treasured gift I ever received.

The first word that probably comes to mind for most would be grief, and of course it is, but…

Words mean something.

Or do they?

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These Are The Days

These Are The Days

Yes, These Are the Days!  Disagreement with that is pretty much non-existent.  And did you realize that it’s been well over 3 and a half years that we have been basically assaulted by many unprecedented world events.

No matter what you know or don’t know, believe or don’t believe, we have all been affected in one way or another.  We lost loved ones, family, friends.  Overwhelming numbers becoming unexplainably sick, many still dealing with the aftermath.  Did you or someone you know lose a business or job, a home, or have been affected by a natural disaster, faced unjust legal situations?

We were all ushered into a cave of fear, confused and even angry.

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I Wish I Could Stop Worrying About Life

I Wish I Could Stop Worrying About Life

I’ve been aware for decades of how our society, regardless of the economic or lifestyle culture, is captive in a cumulative bubble of anxiety, overwhelm, and well, worry – about everything.  You know, the “what-if…”; the “if I’d only…”; the “what would they think…” Shall I go on?

Mostly because we have an inner dialogue – like that person we all know that never stops talking.  It’s all background noise, like the music when you’re on hold, loud children, the TV you’re not even watching, machinery, traffic.  You name it, it’s distracting and annoying.  How many times have we all said, I can’t even think?

Exactly!  We can’t even think. 

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Declutter Your Soul

It’s true. The process of decluttering is not glamorous or an enticing spiritual practice. We would much rather have things disappear or have someone do it for us; however, that’s not how it works with our souls.

Our life and soul are ours and ours alone.

Discover practical ways to declutter your soul in this complimentary ebook.

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