
The words that I now know best describe those things in life that have ripped pieces right out of our heart.

I feel the mangled remains of those missing pieces ripped from my soul every day, but with October’s changing temperatures and beautiful colors, as well as less light, my heart begins to feel it’s missing pieces, like the trees must miss their leaves.  My heart feels less warmth of the sunlight and digs a little deeper for comfort and like the trees, go into rest and survival mode, which is needed for healthy rejuvenation.

Every October falls into the memories of losing my beautiful daughter, Tina on October 9, in a car accident, only to be followed by her 21st birthday on October 19.  This year was her 33rd earthly birthday.  So, my October is the anniversary of the worst nightmare a mother could have, only to feel the empty arms of celebrating the day of the most treasured gift I ever received.

The first word that probably comes to mind for most would be grief, and of course it is, but…

Words mean something.

Or do they?

Grief – There’s been unending books written, groups formed, counseling from every view point possible.  They say there are five stages, oh, yes, and then it’s over.  The ears receive the message, “It’s normal,” and also “it’s unhealthy.”  Words used both negatively and positively toward someone.  A plethora of words and meaning can be packaged in the one word – grief – but they are always hidden behind and presented as the one word.   One thing I know, Grief in it’s full definition, is very real.

Trauma – It’s horrific, it’s life changing, but really soul changing.  The word conjures up pictures of abuse, or a moment of witnessing horror with our eyes, etc.  But after a lifetime of experiences and the heartbreaking situations of many of my coaching clients, it is clear that trauma can be anything that dealt you a gut punch, a punch that came with injury to the heart of your being.  Yes, it can be violence or illness, but it can also be watching your child experiencing trauma, whether you call it that or not, it’s a gut punch.  It could be a divorce that many just view as part of life, the loss of a job (and yes, that can cause real trauma).

But suffice it to say, the words grief or trauma are both over-used and under-used to describe a situation, but often not applied to situations where it is real experienced grief or trauma, or both.

Both grief and trauma are experiences that change who you are forever.  And it actually has no end.  Yes, there is healing.  Yes, life still has joy to offer, but it comes only within the experience of this different way of being.  There is no going back to “normal,” the “way it was before.”

The dilemma is, that’s not part of what we’ve been told/taught is the meaning or proper “dealing with” either.

The truth is, our souls are left with missing pieces.  Kind of like surgery, healing can and does occur around the violated area, but the pieces never return to “normal.”

When my clients come to the understanding that certain life experiences, whether deemed by some to be trivial, or inconceivably devastating, it is still grief, it is still trauma.

Grief is trauma and trauma is grief.  We cannot heal from either until there is truth and courage to allow it to be what it is.

I am including a favorite poem by my good friend, John Rondel.  It is actually how I became aware of him and his work.  Every piece of his work becomes a piece of my missing pieces.

It is written with the thoughts of losing someone dear, but any trauma is easily applied.  I hope you’ll take the time to read it over and over, even print it out.  It is a warm embrace of your missing pieces.

Grief is a Coral Reef

                             by John Roedel

when somebody else tries

to tell you how you should grieve

smile and forgive them

through your watering eyes

and then imagine

how lonely it must be

to be the person who

audits the tears

of other people

the well-intended

will tell you how

long you should miss

your beloved


you take your time

grief is a hedge maze

and being lost inside of it

is more than okay

don’t race through your heartache

because you might

just miss a miracle

or two

in the teardrops rolling

down your face

don’t grieve quickly

just to make somebody

else feel better

if you need to,

let your grief

become a coral reef

let the algae of your hurt

slowly form over the years

into the softest violet hue of heaven

it can take two lifetimes to recover

when our beloved becomes

an empty chair

it’s okay

take as much time

as you need

your healing is your healing

and the scars of absence

will itch longer than you can imagine

but that is because you

risked to love so deeply

and that is far better than

the alternative

I am proud of you

and the courage it

takes for you to grieve

so fearlessly

don’t listen to those

who want you to go back

to normal

normal will never exist again

for those of us who have

lost a part of our heart

if the moon broke in half

would it feel normal?

to hell with normal

normal was their scent on your collar

normal was their voice resting in your ear

normal was their touch on your skin

you have a new normal

it’s looking at the shape of clouds

for messages from the great beyond

that your beloved is fine

you have a new normal

it’s building a cabin in

the woods of your memory

where you and your beloved

can meet for lunch

you have a new normal

it’s crying and laughing

at the same time

whenever their favorite

song plays on the radio

grief isn’t the enemy of life

numbness is

don’t become numb to your suffering

welcome it in

and let it wrap you

up like a blanket

whenever it shows up

at your door

it’s okay

I swear

it’s okay

your beloved misses you just

as much as you miss them

and someday

you two will

get all tangled up

together again


you two will

push each other on a

swing again under

a shower of falling blooms

and someday

you two will ride

comets together

on the edge of everything

and someday

you two will giggle

at all of the people

who tried to tell you

How to grieve

Missing Pieces but not the Miracle,

You can get John’s book here.  Upon Departure You won’tbe sorry!


I can’t think of any greater joy than to help you find that center of your soul with all the power and tools to thrive in whatever painful, stressful journey life is taking you.  You have a passion and a purpose.  Let’s discover you!  You have nothing to lose in having a conversation, right?  Do you have a few minutes today or tomorrow?

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Shoot me any questions you have.  RuthieLewis@cox.net

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