Ruthie Lewis
Soul-Wellness and Mindset Coach & Author
“The secret to life is the awakening and freeing of what has been asleep.”
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I’m so glad you’ve made the choice to cross over with me! My favorite word is an Italian word – Attraversiamo. It means “let’s cross over.” (Yes, I stole it from the movie Eat, Pray, Love).
The photo of this bridge was taken at a pivotal time on a trip to Sea Ranch, CA. If you linger a bit and choose to walk this bridge with me, I warn you that your life will never be the same, as my heart touches yours and you learn more about my passion to LET YOUR GLOW SHOW! My heart is to connect with yours and build a soulful relationship as I envision walking hand in hand with you on this journey. A journey to live your inner light, all your passions, instead of denying or ignoring them in a paralyzing search for the permission slip to be YOU.
The GREAT NEWS is that you will no longer be stuck, living in the mire of
have-to / supposed-to.
You will, maybe for the first time, know YOU – all of you!
My purpose and message is simple:
You have an inner light – a purpose – and you are enough!
The second step is to check out my books. Fireflies is my first novel and Declutter Your Soul is my free eBook that capsulizes my passion and will guide you through soul nurturing, new perspectives on the truth about the path to LET YOUR GLOW SHOW! I am also a contributor to Goodness Abounds which is a wealth of stories of inspiration and encouragement.
Attraversiamo! LET’S CROSS OVER!
Can I tell you a secret?
Dream those dreams, even if not out loud. Sit and smile at your visions. They are part of you for a reason! They are the core to a life that thrives! It is the sun to our souls.
No one can face what is yours to face or feel what is yours to feel. The hard truth is that we will all love and lose. Even harder, no one knows why. The more we use a plethora of ways to avoid it, the less love we will live.
Knowing love and loss is the mystery that brings us deeply alive.
You know, the ones we all get, the ones we never see coming, out of anywhere and nowhere.
It can be a betrayal, loss of a job, a car accident, loss of a loved one. This time for me, it was a health situation. It’s true, many people deal with ongoing health issues every day all day and I’ve been witness to how difficult and spirit crushing that can be, enduring ongoing, time-consuming doctor’s appointments, treatment, along with the financial strains they can cause. But here, I’m talking about sucker-punches of any kind that literally make your head spin.
At some point in your life, you were bullied and so was I. Some more than others, but no one escapes it fully. No matter how much or how deep we were bullied, it created self-doubt and for many, self-hatred. In fact it forms from a young age your perspectives and beliefs about the world and yourself.
On this particular day, I had extra time to read the book I was enjoying. For me, reading makes me happy. And yes, I was very grateful, but the knowing that those moments made me happy really broadened the spectrum through which I was seeing my day and the changing carousel life had me on in such a way that really heightened my trust and hope levels. I felt so much lighter and more expansive!
I then realized that many people around me, without me saying anything, were also feeling and experiencing bizarre changes in ways they would have never expected and never had before.
It is time for new beginnings.
Any time is for new beginnings, but somehow, the concept looms large in our hearts and minds on New Year’s.
How did you celebrate New Year’s Eve? We spend too much, drink too much – and maybe pretend too much. Pretend that we can actually put an entire year behind us as if the new year will be rid of the difficulties that we faced. You know the ones we face on any day of any year.
I’ve done a lot of soul digging recently. This has not been an easy year and quite frankly, I’ve never been more ready for new beginnings.
I write this reluctantly, because it may come off a little grim, especially this time of year. But it’s specifically because this is such a beautiful time of year; the joy of giving, a time to celebrate, the parties, the lights, the festive attire, the food, family traditions and gathering with friends, that the sting goes deep for those who are suffering loss of any kind. Many of you relate, and many are those you are celebrating with.
Of course, unless we all wear a sign stating why there is a hole in our heart, no one would know the gaping sinkhole your heart has fallen into. I remember making the difficult effort to do some shopping and running errands during the season after my daughter had passed in October. I wanted to be home in bed, angry that life goes on for everyone else.
I want to share with you my favorite quote.
“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about dancing in the rain.”
I first heard it from my daughter when she adopted it as her mantra. She was a dancer since she was three. I was brought to tears one day when I came across the quote, beautifully framed, displayed on a large iron easel at Hobby Lobby not long after we lost her. I wasn’t walking out without it.
It is now prominently displayed in my living room, as well as a picture of her dancing in the rain. Her roommate had snapped it in a magical moment of, well, dancing, and I’m so grateful she did. Despite its lack of quality, I hold it so precious and had it printed on canvas, and I share it with you here.
Your peace, dreams, wholeness, are all about Dancing With Life no matter what!