
I don’t know about you, but for the last few months through this beginning of a new decade, there has been so much change that has been difficult, but also strangely bizarre.  It’s hard to put words to because it consisted of pain, sadness, apprehension, a real what the heck mindset, but at the same time, an exhilaration.  I’ve actually felt butterflies and found myself smiling.  

The bizarre part is I knew some things I desperately wanted were happening, but how they are coming about with so much pain and questions is kind of like a lunar eclipse.

I really thought it was just me!

I learned something this week.  There was in fact, on Christmas Day a solar eclipse which is known for illumination associated with growth and change and beginnings.  As it turns out, lunar eclipses tend to represent endings.  

And indeed, major endings and huge beginnings described this entrance into 2020.

I then realized that many people around me, without me saying anything, were also feeling and experiencing bizarre changes in ways they would have never expected and never had before.

Hmm, it begins to make sense as I learned there are actually several lunar and planetary events happening all the way through January 12.  No need to go in to detail, but suffice it to say that at these points in time, change is almost forced upon us.  It’s a kind of spiritual shift in the world and in the essence of our soul.

There is no doubt that there have been major revelations in our world that have shone the light on corruption and evil, such as the end of Epstein’s sex slavery, judiciary corruption, the list is long and keeps growing.

The truth is the trauma of our world is being forcefully transformed, as well as for us individually.  We are being shown that what feels traumatic at times, is actually experiencing the transformation of our legacies of pain, silence and powerlessness.

So, in the end, that is what is bringing hope to my soul and explains the giddiness and butterflies for my future.  

No, it’s not just me.  So many tell me how excited they are for this coming year while carrying many questions and pain, but without the heavy distress.  I believe as the year goes on, we will continue to find our lives and souls safer, more hopeful and prosperous than ever before.

I really want to hear your experiences and your take on this and what changes you feel/see for this coming year.  RuthieLewis@cox.net 

Sting like a bee, floating like a butterfly,


Exciting News:  I’m planning a special retreat this Spring.  Keep a look out for details!

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