
Over the last week or so, I’ve found myself feeling eerily familiar with the emotions so many are experiencing at this time. 

I realized that personal loss and grief feels the same isolation, but with little support and understanding, no one to talk to about it, and no one standing by you going through the same thing.

It experiences fear for the unknown and future, but while everyone else’s looks so bright.

There’s the pain of facing the reality that will never be the same, it is yours and yours alone.  Life moves on for everyone else.

An unwell spirit needs healing, but there is no vaccine and no one protecting you from the virus of painful words that are untrue or trying to force the meds of “you should…” or “get over it.”

In the same way you can’t tell someone who is sick “get over it,” you can’t tell someone grieving or traumatized to “get over it.”

So, yes, these are feelings very familiar to those who have suffered in painful grief and loss, trauma, fear and anxiety. 

It occurs to me that as a result of all of us walking through this together, helping and supporting each other, we will all be better equipped to live this heart-led way whether world wide, or with our loved ones and neighbors.

Maybe this is a pandemic of love. 

Maybe this is a gift and lesson that might otherwise go unnoticed.

I also realize that it is no coincidence that the world is in great need of healing at a time I have planned a retreat for those who are also eerily familiar with the need of healing from loss and heartbreak and needing to learn how to move forward with vibrancy as our world surely will.

If you are drawn to such a retreat, let’s talk!  I have posted the link below. 

Touching you with healing,


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