
At some point in your life, you were bullied and so was I.  Some more than others, but no one escapes it fully.  No matter how much or how deep we were bullied, it created self-doubt and for many, self-hatred.  In fact it forms from a young age your perspectives and beliefs about the world and yourself.  

The truth is, many of the ways we relate to the world are formed from the pain of even the small instances of bullying.  We first think of bullying happening on the playground, however, it can come at any given time in many ways, such as control or anything someone does or says that attempts to lift themselves above you, demean you, sabotage you, and most importantly, make you doubt yourself.  

Maybe in school a comment was made because you got something wrong and it caused you to think you’re not smart.  That voice gets louder, then it’s solidified when you were let go from a job as an adult.

From the beginning of humanity these power games have been going on.  The sad truth is that self-doubt has been passed down from generation to generation.  It’s why we have constant voices in our heads that – BULLY US!

We have dreams, but we hear:

“Who do you think you are?”

You have talents but we hear:

“There are so many who do that better.”

Our heart wants to accomplish something, but we hear:

“You can’t do that.”

We receive encouragement, but we hear:

“They’re probably laughing at me.”

I want to do what brings me joy, but we hear:

“You don’t deserve it.”

You get the point.

In fact, we usually go down a checklist of why the things we want will never happen, or why you just don’t have what it takes.

We have spent our entire lives building limits around the beliefs we were so proud to put out there as a child.  Do you remember excitedly answering the question what do you want to be when you grow up?  A rock star, a football player, a ballerina, the President.  For most children, there were no doubts about what they could do, until the bullies take root in our minds and hurt our heart.

Did you know that kids are told no 400 times a day?  Yes, FOUR HUNDRED times a day.  Parents, teachers, friends, coaches, whatever.  It’s no wonder we end up telling ourselves “no.”  When you combine that with the bullying, the older we get, those experiences add up to living from your limiting beliefs.

So my question is, why do we end up punishing ourselves by believing the bullies and denying the world of who we really are?  We basically surrender and end up carrying all that baggage around day after day.  

I have good news!  We don’t have to give the baggage any weight.  Don’t we wish we could walk through an airport with weightless baggage?  Not gonna happen, but we can make the choice to surrender our soul and go to our default thoughts, or we can know once and for all, I AM CREATED TO DREAM AND LIVE A BIG LIFE, and I mute the self-doubt bullies.

If you choose to believe that you have dreams and talents for a reason, you no longer will be cheering against yourself.  

Take a minute to write down some of those bully voices in your head with the heading Don’t Say This.  You’re simply calling them out to silence them and call them liars.  Then right next to each one under the heading Say This.  Your heart has the voice of truth, the voice of YOU!

Cheering on my dreams,


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