

Unfulfilled Potential There’s an old saying that a graveyard is the richest place on earth. That’s because it is where you will find the treasure of the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, books that were never written, songs never sung, inventions never...
Missing Pieces

Missing Pieces

The words that I now know best describe those things in life that have ripped pieces right out of our heart. I feel the mangled remains of those missing pieces ripped from my soul every day, but with October’s changing temperatures and beautiful colors, as well as...
I Wish I Could Stop Worrying About Life

I Wish I Could Stop Worrying About Life

I’ve been aware for decades of how our society, regardless of the economic or lifestyle culture, is captive in a cumulative bubble of anxiety, overwhelm, and well, worry – about everything.  You know, the “what-if…”; the “if I’d only…”; the “what would they...
It’s Magical – You Can Fly

It’s Magical – You Can Fly

Hello, my magical friends, Yes, no matter where you are or what’s going on around you, life is full of magic. I’ve thought so much over the years about what magic really is, knowing we will never fully understand it, but one thing I know for sure is that your very...
I KNOW FOR SURE…   part 1


What do you know for sure?  Have you ever honestly asked yourself that question?  There are things we’ve learned, those aha moments when we realize something we never knew before, those lessons that reveal truth, mistakes and impart wisdom.  But what do...

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