
Yes, These Are the Days!  Disagreement with that is pretty much non-existent.  And did you realize that it’s been well over 3 and a half years that we have been basically assaulted by many unprecedented world events?

No matter what you know or don’t know, believe or don’t believe, we have all been affected in one way or another.  We lost loved ones, family, friends.  Overwhelming numbers becoming unexplainably sick, many still dealing with the aftermath.  Did you or someone you know lose a business or job, a home, or have been affected by a natural disaster, faced unjust legal situations?

We were all ushered into a cave of fear, confused and even angry.  We questioned whether we were going crazy, we questioned what in the world – literally – was going on and going to happen.  A million times I heard “how did this happen?”

We have and are still experiencing unprecedented things happen to the way we live, the way the judicial system is twisted and serves only the elite, the silencing of all but one narrative.  Lies have become truth, truth has become lies.  Our minds have been messed with to disorient us to not know which way is up.  Everything feels upside down.

Is it any wonder that all my clients and people I speak to talk of anxiety as one of the major issues they deal with.  Anxiety is no joke.  You literally lose your mind, because the wiring has been messed with.  We’ve been traumatized by seeing how the sausage is made.

I could go into all the reasons why and how it happens, but the point is, you have been chosen to live in these days, for such a time as this.  These Are the Days.

This time in history will be talked and written about for thousands of years to come, and you’re a part of it.  We are witnessing the Red Sea open right before our eyes, but, we have been through the plagues, the tyranny, the fear.  Now, it’s time to choose; to watch from the horrors of fear/anxiety the threatening waters consume and over-take our being, or stand in the face of fear and watch it part to make a way for us to claim what is ours; sovereignty; wellness; well-being; happiness and so much more.

I tell all my clients that they have taken steps to reclaim their right through and pursue life, liberty and happiness.  I believe they would all tell you it really does feel like standing before the Red Sea knowing there is a way to cross into the life they want.  It’s a mindset I’m passionate about, and it is my well-tested belief that we all hold the power to choose that path.

So, how did we end up here?

Fear.  Anxiety.  It traps and manipulates us into a place of over-analyzing, by robbing us of our free thought.  Which means our threat response becomes our default, which negates all our true wisdom and desires.  Remove the threat/fear/anxiety for only a while, and the blurry picture in our minds develops into an amazingly clearer one, like focusing a camera.  What are you focusing on?

Fear always requires a choice to stay in the muck, or use your God-given strength and confidence to live the life you were intended for – at such a time as this.

Let me explain what fear really is and the power it has over our well-being.





We have a strong capability to recognize harm and evil trying to hurt us, but it’s when that amazing resource gives in to over-stiumulation that it cannot distinguish real from false and remains in fear.

It’s not dangerous because it’s out to get you.  It’s dangerous because it wants to own your soul.

It is scientifically proven what fear does to our brains.

On the surface, our fear mechanism is an alert system meant to protect us from danger.  For instance, if you heard footsteps in your home when you know you are alone – big time alert.  We’ve all jumped at loud noises or someone walking up behind us unexpectedly.  We wouldn’t survive without that alert trigger.

But there are things in our world today that are triggering false alarms leaving us with a faulty alert system.  If something is going wacky on our computer, it’s usually because something is triggering the wiring.  It’s the same with our brains.  Our brain/system is overloaded with signals and flags, like a flag on the football field when everyone knows there was no call for it, or a race with a jump-the-gun false start.

Briefly, here’s what happens to our bodies.  The pituitary gland located in the amygdala is where fear meets the nervous system of the endocrine and hormone systems.  It then releases adrenal hormones into the blood, which then affects blood cells, cortisol, blood sugar and more.  It ups activity in heart and lungs and lowers activity in the stomach and intestines.  That explains the overwhelming issues with gut health – our second brain, of which many many books have now been written.  It’s that butterfly feeling we get in our stomachs, or that nervous thing that makes you want to throw up.

Without reigning it all back, it then leads to the freezing response and the growing familiarity with panic attacks.

The worst part of all this is what happens to the thinking process.  This weaker, frozen activity in the brain is the cause of not being able to assess the situation and your powerful critical thinking is muted, allowing the emotional regions to take over.  Thus the feeling of losing my mind or there’s no way out, completely handicaps thinking through to a logical conclusion or answer.

These Are the Days of our brains, our critical thinking being held captive – unless you get past the constant false narrative literally training our brains to fear. 

It truly is False Evidence Appearing Real.  No matter what’s going on, your brain has the amazing ability to think critically and look at the Evidence for what it is in its raw form and know that you know what’s true, and that fear and anxiety are not even in the equation that is making you believe that (ex) 2 + 2 = 5.  Your brain and God-given critical thinking knows better.

I’ve tried to make an incredible science as simple as possible and I hope it really clears up how anxiety and fear is attacking us all and becoming so rampant.

I would love to hear from you, as well as all your questions – or like many others, realize the need for a little support to change developed habits, comfort for a troubled heart, relief for confusion and overwhelm,  all by making it critical enough for their own life and wellness to set up Life Coaching.  After all, that’s why I became a Life Coach.

No matter what, my heart aches for the mind control that has captured our culture.

There are answers!!

Let’s discover them together!!

Living the days,

I can’t think of any greater joy than to help you find that center of your soul with all the power and tools to stand against all the mind f_ _ _ery meant to imprison you.  You have a passion and a purpose.  Let’s discover you!  You have nothing to lose in having a conversation, right?  Do you have a few minutes today or tomorrow?

Let’s talk about your first free session


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It’s absolutely true!  What I thought was too good to be true has been an absolute blessing to me in so many ways.  While I am paying about one third less, the majority are paying 60-70% less, of course depending on the services you’re paying for, many of which are separate accounts.


And the best part is, your money isn’t going to the evils of nefarious companies.  Cue is an independent company supporting the well-being of the American people.

If you’re at all curious, check here (be sure to use this link) to see all the channels and networks included in one very nice price. 

What a relief!  TAKE A PEEK

Check out my little ebook that will go a long ways in helping you walk clearly through These Days.  Declutter Your Soul

Shoot me any questions you have.  RuthieLewis@cox.net

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