Ruthie Lewis
Soul-Wellness and Mindset Coach & Author
“The secret to life is the awakening and freeing of what has been asleep.”
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I’m so glad you’ve made the choice to cross over with me! My favorite word is an Italian word – Attraversiamo. It means “let’s cross over.” (Yes, I stole it from the movie Eat, Pray, Love).
The photo of this bridge was taken at a pivotal time on a trip to Sea Ranch, CA. If you linger a bit and choose to walk this bridge with me, I warn you that your life will never be the same, as my heart touches yours and you learn more about my passion to LET YOUR GLOW SHOW! My heart is to connect with yours and build a soulful relationship as I envision walking hand in hand with you on this journey. A journey to live your inner light, all your passions, instead of denying or ignoring them in a paralyzing search for the permission slip to be YOU.
The GREAT NEWS is that you will no longer be stuck, living in the mire of
have-to / supposed-to.
You will, maybe for the first time, know YOU – all of you!
My purpose and message is simple:
You have an inner light – a purpose – and you are enough!
The second step is to check out my books. Fireflies is my first novel and Declutter Your Soul is my free eBook that capsulizes my passion and will guide you through soul nurturing, new perspectives on the truth about the path to LET YOUR GLOW SHOW! I am also a contributor to Goodness Abounds which is a wealth of stories of inspiration and encouragement.
Attraversiamo! LET’S CROSS OVER!
~ I’ve wandered
into wonderment
to make a home
out of the unknown
I’ve let go of
my need to read maps
Just the thought makes me giggle!
Who doesn’t love bubbles! I’ve always been delighted by them and never see one without smiling.
Then, never dreaming how much more magical,
I’m Pretty Sure All of us Want Change
I’m pretty sure, all of us really want change in our life.
Especially right now!
I specifically want to talk to all of you who are suffering loss and heartbreak, and if honest, are desperate for change.
Whether it was a long time ago, recently or right now.
You’re suffering or feel stuck, and frankly, feeling hopeless.
The problem is, there’s a mountain in between now, and where you want to be.
BEAUTIFUL WORDS FOR SUCH A TIME AST THIS: by guest blogger, John Roedel
During this, our great test, I don’t want you to waste any more time explaining yourself to idiots.
You aren’t an equation that requires any exposition, nor are you a riddle that needs solving.
You are an audacious wildflower.
So, please act accordingly.
Are you breathing just a little, and calling it life?
I’ve been practicing breathing techniques and enjoying the spiritual and physical impact for years. But in times of uncertainty and grieving our losses, there’s a tendency to take things more to heart, notice things.
For some it will be letting the negative take up space in your heart. We all know there’s plenty of negative to take in. But do you hear the comforting voice asking you to notice what’s really important? Notice the gift of breath as your body grasps for it?
As I pay more and more attention to my breath, it makes me think of all the breath being lost with this virus. It is respiratory, paralyzing lungs and literally taking breath away, forcing a pseudo to replace the breath of life.
The breath is delicate.
And magical.
I’ve been noticing a hidden danger as we all process and adapt to current circumstances. I first noticed how closely my present feelings resemble those of past grief and losses. I know those feelings all too well! I believe it feels so similar because it’s true, we actually are grieving our old way of being and doing, and are experiencing real loss, along with the uncertainty of not knowing how it will all play out or how we will move forward.
We are all being forced to rearrange and live our “normal” in new and uncomfortable ways.
Yes, it’s difficult, and not without the anxiety of the unknown. But maybe it’s the best time ever, as many are finding, to rethink, reassess and seize the opportunity to connect with friends on a level that has actually not been a part of our “normal.” Also a time to create, or do all those things you put aside, under the premise of “I don’t have time.” Well, now most of us do.
The problem is, you can’t figure out an uncharted path. We’ve been given the task of charting a path we know nothing about. We are doing the best we can to walk through something that is changing moment by moment. We learn as we go with those dreaded first time jitters and this can’t be happening jaw drops.
Over the last week or so, I’ve found myself feeling eerily familiar with the emotions so many are experiencing at this time.