
Seems to be the question of the day!

We are all experiencing the uncharted life path of trying to figure out What the…….

The problem is, you can’t figure out an uncharted path.  We’ve been given the task of charting a path we know nothing about.  We are doing the best we can to walk through something that is changing moment by moment.  We learn as we go with those dreaded first time jitters and this can’t be happening jaw drops.

I remember only about a week into hearing about Corona, I had to run some errands, one of which was getting toilet paper.  I was completely out of it.  I walked to the isle and literally dropped my jaw.  The shelf was stripped bare.  What the…

I don’t know of a time in history when the world is in the same position.  Officials are taking extreme measures to learn everything they can and make decisions based on what they know while doing their best to chart the path ahead.

It’s a first for everybody.  As individuals, we are also making decisions around something that is constantly changing.  We can’t figure out what is best for us.  We’ve been given guidelines as to how we take precautions and stay safe and healthy, but when your day to day routine is so radically different, it’s up to us how we will walk through it.

I find it so interesting that we are having to rely on intuition as to how we perceive what’s going on and how to best take care of us and our families.  I instinctively know that where I live, the threat isn’t so great that I can’t go out at all. 

Someone else in my area instinctively knew their perfectly healthy child shouldn’t be around other children.  

Hoarding toilet paper is not intuition – it’s panic!  And it charts nothing!

All that said, families are isolating to different degrees and many are working from home.  However with all the major difficulties and inconveniences, I’ve heard so many people say they are keeping in touch with friends and family more than they ever have.  They are actually calling each other, families cooking and having dinner together, having deep conversations, playing games.  I’ve heard people talk about using their time to clean, organize and do projects at home they’ve wanted to get to forever.

Amidst all the suffering and the unknown, could this be a gift? 

Yes.  Intuition is playing a big part in this uncharted path.  People are creating new ways to live and be together.  I didn’t know it was my intuition when I chose the word but isn’t it magical that my word for the year is Create?

I am feeling in my soul that our world is in reboot mode.  I’ve felt for many years that we are too busy, too disconnected.  And here we are connecting and charting a new path together.  And we didn’t have to figure it out


How are you doing?  How are you feeling? I would love to hear from you!  RuthieLewis@cox.net 

For those who are already suffering with loss and heartbreak, this is an especially difficult time.

This is the perfect time to join me on my retreat – click below


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