
How are you doing?

We are all being forced to rearrange and live our “normal” in new and uncomfortable ways.

Yes, it’s difficult, and not without the anxiety of the unknown.  But maybe it’s the best time ever, as many are finding, to rethink, reassess and seize the opportunity to connect with friends on a level that has actually not been a part of our “normal.”  Also a time to create, or do all those things you put aside, under the premise of “I don’t have time.”  Well, now most of us do.

I’m seeing this as the perfect opportunity to get things done but also to create and exercise self-care.  It’s also the perfect time to remind everyone that even in difficult times, the light is always there, and we have great capacity to adjust and switch things up a bit to use situations to our benefit. In some ways certain things have been made a little easier. It always feels good to slow down, right?

So what better time to learn the principles of a teaching I designed a while back around how to DECLUTTER YOUR SOUL. Which is actually all about slowing down and assessing what’s taking up space in your heart, mind and body that is causing clutter, disconnection, stress and frustration.

Given the anxiety around the chaos, isolation and closings we are experiencing, these kinds of workshop gatherings have been put on hold.  So, it occurred to me that this is something all of you can experience when we need it most. I have been planning to take it online, but for the time being, I am NOW offering you a free gift that will cover the concepts and guide you to understand that we have been given an opportunity to reboot.

Everything is being reset and this little process to DECLUTTER YOUR SOUL is exactly meant for such a time as this.

So,here ya go!  Enjoy and make this your new normal!

Please email me to let me know how you’re doing or if you have any questions.  I really want to know.

With love and support!


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