
I’ve always considered myself someone who holds a strong Trust in my heart.

It’s been said a million times that life is the best teacher, that difficult times grow us.  And yes, I confirm that my big lessons and gained wisdom have come through the hardest of times. 

In these days we are living, it’s a brighter truth than ever.  The constant keeping a check on fear, negative thoughts, hopelessness, sadness is exhausting when we are making our way every day through so much unknown. 

The word Trust has been curiously meeting me at every point.  And I can see that it is showing itself to be a big key to peace and keeping the overwhelm, doubt and all the rest of the big ball of chaos at bay.

Trust means letting go of outcome, accepting that I cannot know all that is unseen or have answers to the plethora of questions constantly buzzing in our heads.  Having all the answers doesn’t require any level of Trust.  But we’re kind of wired that way.

An enormous amount of hope and Trust has eroded in all of us, just like water eroding soil.  It has eroded belief in ourselves that we have everything we need to hold our ground and Trust in our innate strength to make the changes we need to.  The strength to Trust in the courage, imagination, compassion and intelligence that God so greatly gifted to every one of us.

I believe that we are amazingly equipped to Trust in that, and live in a high dimension of peace even in these times. 

It is that Trust that builds boundaries around our soul.  No matter what you’re going through, your soul was never meant for anxiety, hopelessness and a world of emotions to steal the foundations of our soul and everything that is meant to be ours.

Trusting my steps ahead,

I want to hear from you!!!  RuthieLewis@cox.net
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