
Through these next holiday weeks, I’m going to delve a little deeper into the meanings behind many of the cards I created for my coaching-in-a-moment card deck. 

A little secret is that I created them for me.  I love pretty things and I love little soul boosters, reminders of life to breathe in.

I hope this really blesses and makes walking through each day a little brighter.  Well, you know, I’m all about Let Your Glow Show – some days brighter than others.

Maybe someone you know would be blessed by this simple gift that will keep on giving for years to come.

With no further delay:

For me, this is a hard-learned truth.  We’ve all experienced joy, at many different levels and in a million ways.  It can be the tiniest thing, for that joy that makes you shout, that joy that runs through your blood for possibly days. 

Although Joy never really leaves us, it’s not automatic, as I used to believe.  There are times when what would have felt like great joy a few years or even days ago, is very much hidden like the clouds hide the sun, or a flower going into hiding for the winter.

When we encounter trauma or loss, the world seems to stop.  Regardless of what it is, we are forced to face the reality of basically a new existence.  When I lost my daughter, I realized one day that it is possible, and it is okay, to smile, to laugh, to experience joy no matter how small it might be.

It felt hard, but I knew in my soul that I would have to make a conscious effort to look for things that nurtured and comforted me and yes, send a little flicker of the light to my soul.

It eventually becomes a practice and feels more natural, awakening what is always there.  I look to see, do and experience any little joy I can.

And as anything we practice, we just get better and better!

You are free is one of the most important concepts to embed in your soul. 

I don’t have a choice is one of the most detrimental mindsets we can be trapped in.  We make choices every minute of every day.  Until we really get that, we can’t grasp our freedom to be who we are, the freedom to make our own decisions as an autonomous soul, who can dream beyond imagination.

Autonomy and freedom are God’s greatest gift to us, and what a tragedy that so many interferences through circumstances or lies bombarding us, constantly swing a thistle to cut us away from that freedom, to dream, to make choices apart from the incoming clutter of have to / supposed to.

And you can dream a new dream as many times as you allow your soul to do so.

Practicing in freedom,

Come along with me to explore each of my coaching moments cards!
Just click here to Gift yourself and another special person!!!



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