
Paradigm shift. 

Those are words that just won’t stop ringing in my heart.  The meaning of paradigm is a pattern or a model.  You could think of it as a norm if you will.  Even though there is not really such a thing as normal, our patterns and beliefs that have been modeled to us are what cause our existence we call “the norm.”

I’m pretty sure that at this time, none of us consider the lives we are living normal.  A common phrase I hear every day is “I just want things to get back to normal.”

Well, the very nature of a paradigm is that little is going to be as it was before.  The “norm” is shifting.

And quite honestly, few would not admit that the “norm” has not felt right for some time.  The levels of stress, overwhelm, anxiety, the sense of uncertainty.  Nothing is ever certain, however, when we live comfortably in daily patterns, we feel comfort and predictability on at least some levels.

Not so in these times. 

Like no other time in history, the whole world is grieving – the loss of time, time to gather, celebrate, time to be with a sick loved one.  The loss of finances, hope, plans that will now never be.

It’s complicated and definitely not linear.  No straight line to walk through, and the pain will be with us forever.

The Earth is blanketed with mourners of tragic as well as invisible losses.

It is all a Paradigm Shift.  It’s like we have been signed up for a class intensive we can’t get out of, like a training that is non-negotiable for a particular job.

We are being shown how simple life can be, and what’s really important.  I can see this clearly because I’ve walked that soul-churning grief walk.  It’s not that I’m not grieving in these times, I definitely am.  But after losing my beautiful daughter, seeing with new eyes in the darkest times taught me what’s really important in this life.  It’s different for all of us, but suffice it to say, I don’t give a rat’s ass what someone thinks of me.  I will seize my time to notice and enjoy the tiniest of things light up my heart.

The world is grieving deeply.

I just wanted to encourage you with a healthy, nutritious serving of insight and understanding of the Paradigm Shift we are navigating.  Don’t succumb to the chains of hopelessness, despair and fear!

I believe we will come out with power as opposed to feeling weak, courage in the face of darkness, insight beyond what we see around us in natural circumstances, an inner knowing that melts the doubt that is unquestionably penetrating every cell of our being.

I believe we are walking into the brightness of a light we were always meant to live!

Here comes the sun…. and I say… it’s alright,


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