
Do you feel it? 

Truly, I feel so strongly these are the worst of times and the best of times!

It’s like the grueling climb up an enormous mountain, but oh, the view from the top.

I wholeheartedly believe we are in major transformative times.  It feels so dark, but with shards of the brightest light any of us could possibly imagine.

We are in the arduous climb, all while experiencing loss, anxiety, uncertainty.  Well, a climber is no stranger to uncertainty, but fear and anxiety cannot come along. 

Any climber knows it’s all about the state of mind and knowing and having the right equipment.  In other words, practice being aware of thoughts, and invest in the best equipment and training possible, and go for it!

But what about you?  You say, great metaphor, but how does this relate to me?

I’ve been talking a lot about all the different emotions and feelings that are in full spectrum for most all of us.  I’ve talked to so many that are depressed, scared and even experiencing physical symptoms as a result.

Yes, our mental state and thought patterns definitely affect our bodies.  I’ve been sending encouragement and tips to help us walk through what feels like a lot of muck.  I even hosted a free virtual retreat, Igniting Vibrancy After Loss and Heartbreak, and will be hosting an in-person retreat next May.

My intention here is to share with as many of you as possible all that I’m learning as I have been taking in as much information as possible concerning positive actions that can make the difference between surviving and thriving, and whether you will be able to live the glorious view at the top.

With suicides, domestic violence, and child abuse skyrocketing, I feel the imperative to spread awareness that all of it is a result of dwelling in and buying in to the darkness that surrounds all of us. 

You see, if you can’t see the light, the dark gets darker.  I believe pretty much everyone can see at this point that all the darkness is about so much more than a virus.  Oh, yes, it’s about transformation.  I’ve realized that walking in the light is critical, and possible, with just a few changes in mindset and actions we can choose. 

I was reminded of this quote, “Ships don’t sink because of the water around them.  Ships sink because of the water that gets in them.” 

I’ve known of this quote and truth for quite some time, but it is never more true than now.

Don’t let what’s going on around you get inside you and weigh you down.

The reality of how thoughts and actions play out in our lives has never been so real.  Negative thoughts are a dime a dozen as we walk through our day.  The reason they are so easy is that they feel so justified, right? 

While that may be true, the problem is, our thoughts control what our brain tells us to feel or do and nothing changes that.

A climber knows they have to be prepared mentally and physically and purposely creates the energy around and in themselves.

Think about when you’re sick or injured.  You automatically do what’s needed to get better.  Whether it’s eating healthy foods, maybe taking meds and supplements, or disinfecting a wound, we direct our efforts towards getting better.  When you’re thirsty, you drink water, right?

Our current situation is no different, we are in a sense sick.  But what I’ve noticed is that many of the healthy things that we have practiced in “normal” life have gone by the wayside.  Our routines have been interrupted so we’ve gone into coping mode. 

Our energy vibrations have weakened.  For example, even though we’re at home more, many are putting less effort into cooking, thereby eating less healthy.

I want to share with you some simple steps, needed equipment so to speak, to assist and strengthen you on this climb to the top.

NOTICE YOUR THOUGHTS – For one, using affirmations.  Call them what you will, they are nothing but positive thoughts being spoken into reality.  Let me assure you that it is one of the most powerful things you can do. It’s changing the energy around the negative thought as well as your body.  

For instance, what if you replaced an energy-draining thought with any little thing good in your day?  That great cup of coffee; that you were treated to lunch; the kiss from your child; that you have food in your fridge; the kind words from whoever; that glass of wine you enjoyed.  Your energy and life force are surrounded by everything good, and isn’t that what you want? 

Get my free My Crisis Affirmations.

NOTICE THE PRECIOUS – The love from a loved one; the beauty of flowers; a laughing child; the sound of morning bird songs; the smell of rain; the love of a mother toward her child; a couple’s romantic gaze into each other’s eyes;  a spectacular sunset.  What did you notice today?

NOTICE YOUR SURROUNDINGS – Despite the fact that clutter seems to pile up at alarming rates, it has surprising effects on us.  Clutter and chaos is negativity that is anxiety and depression inducing.  If you doubt the change this can make, clean out a drawer, cabinet or closet and notice how it feels.  I usually feel like dancing!” 

Download my free Declutter Your Soul ebook.

NOTICE YOUR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY OR EXERCISE ROUTINE – I know, gyms were closed and some still are.  And exercise takes energy, which darkness never stops trying to suck out of us.

Remember, the climb is not easy, but it is a proven and well-known fact that body movement produces many endorphins and what I call those “feel good” hormones. 

In her book, Healthy Healing, Michelle Steinke Baumgard says, “Moving our muscles produces proteins that travel through the bloodstream and into the brain, where they play pivotal roles in the mechanisms of our highest thought processes.”  We really are connecting the physical to the mental, the key to well being. 

The book is powerful and will be an integral part of your training for this climb.  You can check it out here.  Simply click the Healthy Healing book title for the link.

All of these simple changes will have a huge effect on your perspective and experience of how you climb this mountain to the glorious view of this transformation.

I am offering a free phone call to help you get clarity on anything of these truths!  All it takes is an email.  RuthieLewis@cox.net

Climbing toward the light,

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